Question by redsparrow226: Organic farming on college campus to reduce costs?
So, I am writing a analysis proposal for English.
We’re supposed to go along the lines of locating approaches to promote environmentally friendly living our college campus.
My thought is that our college must devote some of the land (where they are bulldozing eight dorms) to develop houses and farm land. Organic farming could aid promote healthier living, If they develop a class to teach the students about hands-on organic farming, then the university could make use of what is grown for their own use. Not only would students be educated about organic foods and farming, but the university could use these foods and hopefully promote the nearby economy by buying from our area.
Does this sound decent? Any suggestions? Any aid would be greatly appreciated!
Greatest answer:
Answer by Gabu
It would not be a totally terrible idea. Organic requires a lot of labor and there would be a prepared source of it with all of the college students there. Nonetheless, the final item would possibly be far more high-priced to develop than actually purchase.
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