Question by VENUS: In south Los Angeles why did they destroy natural organic farms?
I was watching a documentary about how people’s organic farms had been destroyed. The documentary is called, “Save the Farm” Why did it happen in the first place? Will having your own garden or farm ever be illegal because you’re not conforming to buying store brought foods and such like everyone else? It would make stores and restaurants lose money right?
Best answer:
Answer by random_man
I haven’t seen the movie you’re referring to, so I can’t comment on why the particular farms you mention were destroyed. I don’t know – a thought I had was are they on their own property? If not perhaps the property owner(s) had other plans?
Anyway, there is no law against having your own garden – having a “farm”, i.e. larger scale, and possibly with livestock and such becomes a little more tricky and is usually subject to local zoning laws. But in any case, growing your own food is perfectly legal, there’s no “conspiracy” out there against it. Millions of Americans garden and have small farms.
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