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Question by joe: what is the most profitable and enjoyable farm enterprise?
what is the most profitable and enjoyable farm enterprise?
I would like to own a beyond organic farm. What is the profitable enterprise?
Pastured poultry, salad-bar beef, eggs, grassed based dairy.
Are there any others anyone can think of?
Best answer:
Answer by snpuck
Pot would probably be number 1.
Cherries, pomegranates, pistachios all currently do well.
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For related articles and more information, please visit OCA’s All About Organics page.
This year, Americans are expected to buy more than $ 30 billion worth of organic grains, produce, coffee, wine and meats.
Some producers of farmed fish want the chance to get a cut of those profits, and retailers, who can charge a premium price for organic farmed fish, are with them. But an organic label for aquaculture is not coming easy.
For more than 10 years, the issue has been on the agenda of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Organic Program. But a planned meeting to discuss the matter in October was canceled by the federal government shutdown. Now federal officials are saying the final determination on the issue is at least six months away.
Among the groups closely eyeing the proceedings are environmentalists, who say fish farms shouldn’t quality for an organic label if they rely heavily on feed that can’t be verified as organic. And they cite other problems on fish farms, including pollution and disease, that make them less sustainable than the typical organic farm.
“The problem is, organic rules are based on how you treat the soil. So how do you apply that to things like seafood?” says Patty Lovera, with Food and Water Watch.
To solve the problem of fitting fish farms into the same policy as land-based farms, federal regulators are simply rewriting the rules. The NOP – with help from the National Organic Standards Board, or NOSB, and its own Aquaculture Working Group – is now developing a set of guidelines that specifically address aquaculture. They would allow up to 25 percent conventionally grown material – specifically fishmeal – in the diets of farmed fish certified as organic. The plan would be to slowly scale this amount down over the years, though critics say they doubt this process would occur.
But this seems like too much to some consumer advocates.
BC Leadership candidate Ben West visits an organic farm in Summerland bc, close to Kelowna. Kim, his host does a fantastic job of explaining the current stat…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Question by moinul: Is it possible to get financial aid for gardening?
Hi,i want to establish a organic farm to produce nonhazard,chemical and pesticide free vegetables.But i’m not able to maintain the initial expense. So is it possible to get a little financial aid from any organization? It will do me a great favor.
Best answer:
Answer by Juanaquena
The information in this online article may be useful to you:
Organic Farming Grants
The Organic Trade Association offers advice here:
and provides a list of some funding sources:
Be to sure to look at the information in the other links in the left sidebars of the web pages.
The U.S. Small Business Administration may be one source for grants or loans:
Your local public library may have some government publications or other recent publications with info on the steps to follow to establish an organic farm. Be sure to ask a reference librarian to help you find recent resources. The library can request materials it does not hold from other libraries, too (InterLibrary Loan.)
If my answer or any other answers you receive don’t “do it” for you, you may wish to post it again and select another Y!A category for it. It is the Education – Financial Aid category. If you do post your question again, you may wish to choose the category of:
Business & Finance > Small Business
Science & Mathermatics > Agriculture
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